Non-Profit Animal Shelter
Brainy BirdsProviding a safe and loving environment for the recovery, conservation and care of over 300 companion parrots.
Getting Involved
Save a Parrot
We rely on the love and dedication of a small team of full time staff. The rest of the time it’s the volunteers that sacrifice their time to come through and feed our flock. Making sure they’re taken out and given some much needed love and attention.
MakING a Donation
We are a Section 18A Non Profit organisation. We simply cannot do what we do without the funds donated by some very generous souls. Whether you’re a large corporate or someone that shares our love for parrots, we appreciate everything we get.
Featured Birds

Rainbow Lorikeet

Moluccan Cockatoo
What we do
Our Services
Parrots are flock animals. While your parrot might be bonded to you, allow your bird to come and visit our flock and be socialised.

Come speak to us about your bird’s nutritional needs. We believe that a large part of behavioural problems stem for a poor diet. We are also resellers of pellets, seeds and soak to keep your flock happy and healthy.

An integral part of our services is providing a boarding facility for a fee. Go away on holiday with the peace of mind that your birds will be well cared for by us.

birdie spa days
Never let anyone inexperienced or ill-informed clip your bird’s wings. If you choose to have your bird’s wings clipped for whatever reason, please let a qualified person do it. The amount of harm you can inflict is not to be scoffed at. We can clip toenails and trim beaks too.
What Drives Us
Our Mission
We believe birds don’t belong in a cage. But through human intervention they have become pets, and with that, sadly the trade in birds has resulted in many people buying a bird from a breeder or pet shop without really understanding the intricacies of owning a bird. It is these birds that are often abandoned and surrendered to sanctuaries like our own. We pledge to educate people to stop this practise.
Get Involved
We appreciate any and all help we can get. If you are able to get to our premises in Edenglen, JHB, South Africa, please get in touch about volunteering.
Upcoming Events
We are always proud to represent Brainy Birds at the World of Cats and Dogs.
TBC - Volunteer Talent Show - Fundraiser
Yup, you read that right. Stay tuned for details.
meet the flock
Featured Feathers

Atilla - Rainbow Lorikeet
I became Atilla the Hun when I first arrived at Brainy Birds as a foundling. I bit everyone, I fought everyone and Atilla the Hun seemed the most appropriate name. Once I had bitten enough volunteers and they were getting all uppity about me, Dee put me into the big free flight aviary and Whamo! the fight was knocked out of me and almost instantly I became Atilla the Hunny!

I am a bit sad still that I cannot be living with my first family, whom I adored to distraction. But they gave me away to my second family who really adored me and spoilt me rotten. But, I reacted in the only way I know how – by calling for my first family all the time, plucking my feathers out when they didn’t come to fetch me, and eventually chewing a big hole in my chest, because I was so miserable. Nothing my second family did could help, so they asked Mom Dee to look after me and help me heal my broken heart. They do a good job at Brainy Birds, and I have stopped plucking. I still chew my flesh, because I think I am still a bit sad. I may feel a lot better if I could get the scar tissue, which itches like crazy, fixed – again (sigh).